more than just another bike blog

Monday, October 29, 2007

running away from it all

yeah, I'm running. a lot. consistently. and with purpose.

after our triathlon on September 30th, it took about a week to recover from my 3 mile run. but then I started running slowly and for short durations.

last week, we started trail running. I'll admit, I like running on the treadmill because I can force my pace faster, but my IT bands always get inflamed from the treadmill. so, the dutchboy, Julie, and I ran at Arastradero. it's one of the few "dirt" trails where you can run with a dog, and even though it's kinda up and down, it's a good steady workout. and it feels so good to run on the dirt that I could immediately run longer than I could on the treadmill -- WITH NO PAIN!

so, in the past week, I've run trails, a soccer field, and the high school track. and I've been able to bring my pace down each time I run. at this point, I'm really just focused on increasing duration, but at some point in the near future I'll start some speedwork, too!

so far I've been pretty injury-free. my calves/achilles tendons got tender from running circles on the soccer field and the track. but that's minor and my recovery was very fast. and I got a blister tonight from a poor sock choice (lesson learned: don't ignore hot spots!!!).

btw, running with the garmin is way cool! not only can I see my pace as I run, but I can analyze my training when I'm finished. I think I like it more for running than I do on the bike.

Saturday we're racing in the Salmon Duathlon in Knight's Ferry. I'm excited because I know I can run the distance now. My bike training has been pretty darn consistent this month, too, so I'm feeling pretty good for an off-season race. I've never done a duathlon, but I'll try a brick tomorrow to see how it feels.

next on tap, the Run to the Far Side post-Thanksgiving. then I need to find a 10k for December. and if all goes as planned, I'm hoping to run in the Cabo Wabo 1/2 marathon in mid-January. yeah, it's in Cabo San Lucas -- why not, right?

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At 10/30/2007 8:41 AM, Blogger Lulu said...

good god! a half marathon!!

i get all cranky after a few miles.

At 10/30/2007 8:42 AM, Blogger ~ lauren said...

woops! that was me.

At 10/30/2007 8:53 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Good for you Lorri! Go get 'em tiger. You're going to do great!

Cabo in January -- do you need some friendly race support?

Sounds nice and warm.

At 10/30/2007 9:36 AM, Blogger EB said...

Hoo dog! For 13 miles it better be in a tropical paradise...

At 10/30/2007 1:44 PM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

hey try out the 50s style burger joint in Knights Ferry, say "hi" to the zebra-donkey his name is Zippy and say "hi" to Joe Camel, the camel who lives next to Zippy. These animals are near Cemetary Hill...

oh, and have fun at your race this Saturday...

I love my garmin, I get in trouble looking at it too much on our bike tends to make me ride slower than normal...

At 10/30/2007 4:25 PM, Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

ippoc -- great suggestions. I gather you're familiar with Knight's Ferry?

At 10/30/2007 6:19 PM, Blogger Ron George said...

take it slow and you'll enjoy running im sure.

At 10/31/2007 10:25 AM, Blogger Itinerant Rick said...

With my crappy knees the only way I can run is on trails or tracks or treadmills. Hate treadmills so ...

Good luck at Knights Ferry!

At 11/01/2007 6:06 AM, Blogger X Bunny said...

hope you're going down cemetery hill and not up....

i don't think zippy is there anymore.

At 11/01/2007 12:33 PM, Blogger dblrider said...

VG - Nice to meet you in person last night. Good luck with Knight's Ferry. Cabo in January - off the hook! Just don't drink the water :-)

At 11/01/2007 3:00 PM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

We saw Zippy early this month...we are familar with Knight's Ferry because of the Riverbank Century...Zippy and Joe like apples and carrots...

At 11/01/2007 5:11 PM, Blogger X Bunny said...

we're heading out there tomorrow and will tell zippy the kitties said hi!

At 11/01/2007 5:15 PM, Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

why are you going to Knight's Ferry, Bunny? we'll be there tomorrow too. we're camping Friday night (brrrrr).

At 11/01/2007 5:21 PM, Blogger X Bunny said...

there's a couple of nice loops for rides out of there that we come down for periodically when we want to get some flatter miles or out of the cold

tomorrow it is for the flatter miles as it is supposed to be about 80 degrees!

At 11/01/2007 5:23 PM, Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

ooh! maybe we'll see you out there, although we probably won't get there until mid- to late-afternoon. flat loops? hopefully the race is flat. I hear it's rolling. we'll see.

At 11/01/2007 5:30 PM, Blogger X Bunny said...

it's all a matter of perspective

since we live in the mountains, any ride we do from home has an average of 1000 ft of climbing per 10 miles

so knights ferry is "flatter"

but rolling is really the best description

the wind is what can be a total killer out there and turn it from rolling to miserable in no time, but the forecast is for unusually light winds so it should be nice

At 11/02/2007 10:39 AM, Blogger Courtenay said...

good luck tomorrow!!

At 11/05/2007 5:48 PM, Blogger chatterbox said...

how was the race? We were thinking about you on Saturday and hoping you were having FUN!

At 11/08/2007 11:39 PM, Blogger funkdaddy said...

Good god...


We've lost you for sure, you're speaking a language I don't understand.

Anyhow, tell us how it went!

At 11/11/2007 9:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

13 miles???? 13 MILES?!?!?! sounds like hell. But glad you're enjoying it!


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