more than just another bike blog

Monday, November 19, 2007

life's really tough decisions.....

.....which candy bar to purchase from the vending machine @ Lick Observatory.

yesterday I chose PayDay. the Dutchboy got a Snickers (my other choice so we shared). Emilie got a Nature Valley Granola Bar (boring). And Shawne got 3 or 4 different varieties (glutton).

I was honored to take three virgins up Mt. Hamilton yesterday for a beautiful, epic day -- and there were no sacrificial offerings!

it doesn't get much better than this.

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At 11/19/2007 3:51 PM, Blogger Itinerant Rick said...

It looked like a lovely day for climbing Hamilton. We went the other way ... up Black Mtn. from Lexington to Skyline. Much less epic, but still beautiful.

I would have gone for the PayDay myself :-)

At 11/27/2007 4:19 PM, Blogger MoJito said...

Snickers. It satisfies. I think I may be heading up Hammy this coming Saturday.

and Yep, will be at the Winterfest!


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