more than just another bike blog

Thursday, July 27, 2006

New Toyz -- part one

In April I bought a new digital camera. This is my third digital in the last decade (I guess that's what happens when you take a nice camera on the bike with you all the time). The first was a fugi and it was HUGE. The second was a Canon Elf -- loved it! This one is a Canon Powershot -- almost the same as the Elf but smaller and thinner and lighter with a big huge display screen. I had hoped I could use the same batteries and media cards with the new camera, but Canon is smart and obsoleted the old stuff for newer and smaller. Oh well.

Sometimes it takes me a long time to learn how to do something new. So, since April I've been snapping pix like crazy and they're all still sitting on my camera. Last night I decided to finally plug in the new card reader -- doh! What took me so long? So, here's the first pic I took on my new camera in April (over three months ago).

This is Julie, the love of my life!


At 7/27/2006 10:15 AM, Blogger EB said...



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