more than just another bike blog

Thursday, March 15, 2007

weird tan lines

it's been years since I've put on a bikini. I used to be obsessed with the sun, laying at the pool slathered in baby oil for 8 hours a day -- brown as a nut my father used to say. but the past decade or so I've had this biker-tan thing going on. the first few years, I'd go to the pool to even it out. but then I quit trying. or maybe I just didn't want to put a bikini on my fat ass. either way, I prided myself on the sock lines, the shorts lines, the glove lines.

well, this week I'm doing a lot of desk work -- mostly results clean-up for the fricking race. I have a big, beautiful patio and I love sitting outside in the morning, working on my laptop, drinking tea or a latte, and getting out of my desk chair (cause sitting in my desk chair too long makes my back hurt).

now that the clocks have changed, it's kinda hot on my patio and I get several hours of good quality tanning time. and I'm a sweater. so the t-shirts quickly changed to tank tops to bikinis. yup! I'm working on a lovely front-only tan.

of course, the laptop makes an odd tan line, too, but I guess I can just go on a bike ride to even that one out.....or go sit at the pool!

life is good.....



At 3/15/2007 1:44 PM, Blogger Chris said...

What a life Velogirl. :)

At 3/15/2007 4:04 PM, Blogger ~ lauren said...

how do you see the screen in the sun? i always have such a hard time seeing the screen when it's sunny.

At 3/15/2007 4:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What's up with those results? You ladies were so quick at the event with them but they are no where to be found. Sorry they are causing you grief!

At 3/15/2007 4:36 PM, Blogger Pizie said...

I've thought about putting on my arm and leg warmers and laying out in the back yard just so I can even out my biker tan. Oh... and the panties too! Let's not go there.

At 3/15/2007 4:54 PM, Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

Chris, I'm still working my fingers to the bone.....just getting my vita-D at the same time.

Lauren, I've got that balcony above me so the screen is shaded and with the low winter sun it shines straight at me. I need to remember how to change my screen setting to "outdoors."

Devon, long story. We've got the results (numbers), just trying to make sure all the names, team names, license numbers, etc are correct. We're learning. Last year we hired a registrar to do it (and it still took me a couple of days to process them for USAC & NCNCA). She wasn't available this year so I tried to be registrar, race director, chief cook & bottle washer, too! Needless to say, we'll do things a bit differently next year.

Pizie, the word panties makes me shirk!

At 3/15/2007 7:12 PM, Blogger Allison Krasnow said...

man oh man.
i've chosen the wrong career :)

At 3/15/2007 7:19 PM, Blogger Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

But Ali, you get recess, right? And a pension. And paid sick days and paid vacation. Trust me, the grass isn't always greener....

At 3/18/2007 11:55 PM, Blogger shawnkielty said...

I think it's the odd shaped tan ovals on the backs of my hands that are the oddest tan lines I've seen, and the ones that get the most comments


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